Regardless of if you’re a dog person or a cat person, there’s no denying that dogs have a skillset that cats can rarely match. Despite their undeniable cuteness, cats are always too rowdy or completely exhausted, with seemingly no in-between! In contrast, dogs have a temperament that’s as loyal and teachable as it is friendly. So let’s celebrate our canine companions by analyzing 33 skills they have which completely outpace the skillsets of cats.
Herd Livestock

Without dogs, farming throughout the centuries would be close to impossible. With their strong instincts and sharp intelligence, they can guide sheep, cattle, and other animals across potentially massive landscapes. Though most breeds will suffice (besides maybe a Chihuahua, on account of its small size), herding breeds like Border Collies are known for their skills when it comes to anticipating movements and preventing animals from straying too far. This unique ability to control large groups makes dogs invaluable in farmwork.
Guard Homes

Dogs have an instinctual drive to protect what they love, whether that be their territory or their loved ones, making them excellent guard animals. Their sharp senses allow them to detect unfamiliar sounds or movements long before any humans would’ve noticed them. Many breeds, like German Shepherds and Rottweilers, are particularly effective at deterring intruders because of their bulky frame. Plus, even at a surface level, a bark is much more intimidating than a meow.
Assist People with Disabilities

Service dogs are trained to assist individuals with various disabilities, whether it has to do with guiding the visually impaired or alerting the auditorily impaired to important sounds. They help individuals navigate public spaces, retrieve dropped items, and even open doors! Their support can significantly enhance an owner’s sense of independence and quality of life beyond what would be possible otherwise. This unique role showcases their adaptability and deep bond with humans.
Detect Medical Conditions

Dogs possess an incredible ability to detect medical conditions such as seizures, low blood sugar, and even cancer. Science has shown that through their keen sense of smell, dogs can identify changes in body chemistry before symptoms become apparent. Some service dogs are trained to alert their owners to take preventative measures appropriate to their condition or to alert them to seek help from other humans.
Retrieve Items

Though most dogs usually never experience the training necessary to reach such a skill, there are still a large number of dogs that can retrieve items on command. Many would probably just abuse this ability to grab a TV remote that’s out of reach, this ability has some practical value in certain cases. With patience and practice, they can even learn to fetch specific items by name. Their ability to help, but also their willingness to do so makes them indispensable companions in many households.
Follow Commands

Dogs excel at learning and following commands, making them highly trainable. The common commands that most people are aware of, like “sit,” “stay,” and “fetch”, are just the basics of what they can master. With proper training, dogs can perform relatively complex tasks, including agility maneuvers and choreographed routines. Their trademark eagerness to please ensures they are attentive and responsive learners.
Participate in Agility Courses

Dogs are agile and athletic animals capable of navigating obstacle courses with remarkable speed and precision. Agility training involves jumps, tunnels, weave poles, and other challenges that showcase their physical prowess. This activity is a perfect showcase of the bond of an owner and their best friend, with impressive visual synchronicity to boot. It’s a testament to their ability to learn, excel, and impress in structured environments.
Perform Search-and-Rescue Missions

Search-and-rescue dogs are trained to locate missing persons in a wide array of disaster locations, whether they’re due to earthquakes or avalanches. Their powerful noses can detect scents buried under large amounts of debris or spread over vast landscapes. These humans and the dogs that work alongside them in rescue teams work tirelessly to save lives in critical situations. The whole canine species certainly deserve to be called good dogs, but these hard workers deserve an extra treat!
Work as Police or Military K9 Units

K9 units are specially trained dogs that assist police and military forces throughout a diverse set of operations. They are skilled in tracking suspects, detecting illegal substances, protecting officers, deterring criminals, and so much more. Their courage and loyalty make them an invaluable asset and stabilizing presence in dangerous or high-stress situations. This is true of the bond as well, but it’s really the trust between handlers and their K9 partners that ensures seamless teamwork in the field.
Sniff Out Drugs or Other Contraband

With over 300 million scent receptors in their noses, dogs are highly effective at detecting illegal drugs and other contraband. Their ability to identify specific scents amidst other distracting smells makes them essential in a myriad of law enforcement operations. They are used in airports, borders, and search events to ensure compliance with the laws for the safety of everyone. Their remarkable olfactory senses are unmatched in the animal kingdom, and certainly outpace any human capabilities.
Pull Sleds

Sure, most regions of the world can’t take advantage of this unique canine skillset, but for the ones that can, dogsleds can be instrumental for rapid transportation. Dogs like Siberian Huskies and Alaskan Malamutes are bred for pulling sleds in harsh Arctic conditions. They can transport goods and people across icy terrains where vehicles cannot operate. Though the prominence of dogsleds has seen a decrease because of technology’s advance, it still sees small amounts of use today, and still deserves recognition regardless.
Hunt Alongside Humans

For centuries, dogs have partnered with humans in hunting activities in a codependent relationship that helps both sides hunt more than they could on their own. Dogs help locate and retrieve game with unmatched precision and speed. In particular, breeds like Labrador Retrievers and Beagles excel in this role due to their keen senses and stamina.
Swim Willingly and Enthusiastically

Many dogs, such as Labrador Retrievers and Newfoundlands, love swimming and excel in water activities. Their semi-webbed paws and strong muscles make them natural swimmers. Some are even trained as lifeguard dogs, rescuing people from drowning. Swimming is not only a survival skill for dogs but also a great source of exercise and enjoyment. Contrast this to cats, who are as graceful as a fish… out of water!
Serve as Guide Dogs

Guide dogs help visually impaired individuals navigate their surroundings safely. They are trained to stop at curbs, avoid obstacles, and lead their handlers in crowded areas. Their work requires exceptional focus and trustworthiness. These dogs empower their owners by offering a greater sense of mobility to their everyday life.
Protect Owners or Families

Dogs are naturally protective of their owners and families, often placing themselves between loved ones and potential dangers, and always with a powerful bark. They can sense threats and respond quickly to defend who they see as part of their pack. This protective instinct is particularly strong in breeds like Doberman Pinschers, Boxers, and German Shepherds.
Comfort Individuals with Anxiety or PTSD

Sure, cats can offer a sense of calm to someone when they’re stressed out, but when a dog is trained for therapy, it’s hard to make a comparison at all. Therapy dogs are trained to provide emotional support and comfort to people dealing with anxiety, PTSD, or other mental health challenges. Unlike other animals, dogs often initiate interaction when they sense distress. They can even be trained to modulate their breathing in a specific way that helps their owner to stabilize in the middle of a panic attack.
Participate in Canine Sports

Obviously, cats can’t perform in canine sports, because then they’d be feline sports! Jokes aside, dogs excel in canine sports such as flyball, disc catching, and dock diving. These activities showcase their speed and agility, but also strengthen the bond between dogs and their owners through teamwork and practice.
Stay Loyal to a Single Owner or Family Unit

Dogs are renowned for their loyalty and devotion to their owners and families. Unlike many other animals, they form deep, lasting bonds that transcend simple companionship. This loyalty often leads to unwavering protection, affection, a strong bond, and most importantly, memories to last a lifetime.
Engage in Cooperative Play with Humans

Dogs thrive on interactive play with humans, such as fetch, tug-of-war, and hide-and-seek. By participating in these games, dogs demonstrate their intelligence, but also their never-ending willingness to play. On the other hand, cats have too many active hunting instincts to play without any scratches on the owner, and even that’s only if they aren’t too tired to play!
Track Missing Persons Over Long Distances

Search-and-rescue dogs can follow scent trails over great distances and across a large variety of terrains. Their natural ability to detect faint traces of scents makes them important on its own, but couple it with an unshakeable drive to accomplish the search-and-rescue task, and you’re left with an invaluable asset. Many miraculous recoveries are almost singlehandedly a result of a dog’s natural talent mixing with its dedicated vigilance.
Wear Protective Gear Like Vests and Boots

Dogs can wear specialized protective gear, such as vests, boots, and goggles, for various tasks and environments. This gear allows them to perform jobs safely in extreme conditions, such as search-and-rescue operations or military missions. It almost feels needless to touch on cats in this regard, since they’d likely protest to any restraining equipment anyway, but their skills on the field pale in comparison to canine offerings.
Detect Early Signs of Seizures

Seizure-alert dogs can detect subtle changes in their owner’s body that signal an impending seizure. This ability gives individuals with epilepsy crucial time to prepare or seek assistance. These dogs can also be trained to respond by alerting others or providing much-needed physical support. Their life-saving skills give their owners peace of mind in an otherwise taxing time.
Ride in Vehicles Calmly for Extended Periods

Dogs are often excellent travel companions, adapting well to car rides and some other forms of transportation. To highlight this willingness to enter a car, many dogs are commonly seen to enjoy sticking their heads out of windows, savoring the sights and scents along the drive. Though they may become agitated during particularly long journeys, many cats can’t even handle a short cruise.
Alert Owners to Intruders or Dangers

Dogs are natural watchguards, often alerting their owners of any unusual and often undesirable activity. A loud bark is sure to deter any potential intruders, but also alert the members of the household that something is amiss. Compare this to a generally apathetic feline, who would likely seek to hide as their first instinct. Even if they were feeling particularly courageous, the best a cat can manage is a feeble meow.
Save Lives by Rescuing Swimmers

Water rescue dogs, such as Newfoundlands, are trained to save swimmers in times of life-threatening distress. Their strength and swimming capabilities enable them to pull people to safety, even when waters are rough or have powerful currents. Lifeguard teams around the world rely on these dogs in emergencies, as their bravery and dedication make them lifesaving heroes on the water.
Properly Adapt to Apartment Living

Many dogs can adapt to living in apartments or small spaces, provided they receive enough mental stimulation. In particular, smaller breeds like French Bulldogs or Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are particularly well-suited for urban lifestyles. Despite the limited space, almost any breed can thrive as long as they feel loved and engaged.
Sniff Out Explosives for Law Enforcement

Dogs trained to detect explosives play a vital role in safety for law enforcement officers as well as the safety of the general public. Their highly sensitive noses can identify even trace amounts of explosive substances. These detection dogs are used in airports, stadiums, and many other high-risk locations to prevent potential threats. In short, their work ensures the safety of countless lives.
Provide Warmth in Cold Climates

Dogs, and particularly those with thick coats, have been companions to humans in cold climates for centuries. They often provide physical warmth by sharing body heat during outdoor expeditions or cold nights. Dogs of the Saint Bernard breed are well known for their importance in search-and-rescue operations, since one of the first things these people may need is warmth from a bulky, furry friend.
Alert to Approaching Storms

Many dogs can sense changes in atmospheric pressure, allowing them to detect approaching bad weather, or even storms. Depending on the breed and personality of the individual dog, they may exhibit a variety of anxious behaviors that owners can learn to interpret. This natural instinct is invaluable for providing early warnings during severe weather conditions when the internet isn’t available. Their heightened awareness ensures families have time to prepare and stay safe.
Alert Owners to Carbon Monoxide Leaks

Some dogs can detect carbon monoxide leaks before humans notice the odorless, dangerous gas, but also before it reaches potentially lethal levels of presence. When a faulty carbon monoxide sensor isn’t noticed, the presence of a dog acts as a safety net that can potentially save lives.
Detect Bed Bugs

Specially trained dogs can sniff out bed bugs with incredible accuracy, even in hard-to-reach places. Their ability to locate infestations quickly helps pest control professionals save time, energy, and effort. This skill is especially valuable in hotels and apartments where early detection prevents major outbreaks. In comparison to a lot of pest control methods, dogs provide a non-invasive, eco-friendly solution to a common problem.
Protect Handlers in Law Enforcement

When well-trained dogs are used by police officers, they help to protect the general public, but also the individual officer as well. Without this necessary protection, many officers are at a greater risk in the line of duty. The bravery and quick response of many police dogs makes them essential members of many law enforcement teams, and also a preventative measure for a disaster.
Detect Mold in Buildings

Dogs trained to sniff out mold help identify hidden infestations in homes and commercial properties. Their acute sense of smell allows them to pinpoint mold even in areas that would go unnoticed by human observation, and even human tools. This ability assists inspectors in preventing structural damage and health risks associated with mold exposure, making them an instrumental member of the team.

Though dogs have many beneficial characteristics, it’s important to remember that we shouldn’t judge a living being based on what it can provide for us. In their own ways, cats have just as much love to give as dogs. Still though, there’s no harm in celebrating a dog’s loyalty and eagerness, so let’s remember to give our furry friends a well-deserved treat.